Upcoming Events

Upcoming events.

Click on the events in the calendar OR scroll down to see more details. If you have any pātai please contact us :)

Alice Springs Haerenga
to 26 Aug

Alice Springs Haerenga

As part of a 5 year research project with Otago University and the John Hopkins Center for Indigenous Health (USA), Toi Matarua have been invited to an international indigenous hui to be held in Alice Springs (Australia) in August this year. Our rangatahi leaders will be travelling to represent TM.

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Kia Au, Ko Au - Rangatahi Wellbeing Wānanga
to 4 Aug

Kia Au, Ko Au - Rangatahi Wellbeing Wānanga

‘Kia Au, Ko Au’ is a 4-day rangatahi wānanga that draws on ancient knowledge and practices of Oriori, Pūrākau and Maramataka to educate rangatahi on Indigenous ways of calming the mind, settling the spirit and relaxing into a deep sleep, combatting anxiety and overstimulation while developing tools to be shared with their whānau, hapū, and iwi.

There will be rangatahi-led workshops including Maramataka, Digital Storytelling and Social Enterprise. Attendees will also be the first listeners of our rangatahi audiobook ‘Kia Au, Ko Au’, a compilation of Oriori and Pūrākau retold from the perspective of our rangatahi leaders. This audiobook will be made available to the public via a variety of platforms including YouTube and our Toi Matarua website for whānau to utilise as a tool for healing and good sleep.

For more info about ‘Kia Au, Ko Au’ contact Sarah Pihema (E: sez@toimatarua.co.nz)

For more info on the research that supports this kaupapa contact Charlizza Matehe (E: charlizza@toimatarua.co.nz)

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Matariki Mahuika

Matariki Mahuika

Take part in a new Matariki tradition - lighting fires on the beaches all around Aotearoa!

Share the warmth! Light a fire at the beach on Saturday 29th June from 5pm. Light your fire, welcome people in, look after each other and the beach.

Register by email to matchfitnz@gmail.com

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‘Kia Au, Ko Au’ Rangatahi Wānanga 4
to 17 Sept

‘Kia Au, Ko Au’ Rangatahi Wānanga 4

'Kia Au, Ko Au’ draws on ancient knowledge and practices of Oriori, Pūrākau and Maramataka to educate rangatahi and tamariki on indigenous ways of calming the mind, settling the spirit and relaxing into a deep sleep, combating anxiety and overstimulation while developing tools to be shared with whānau, hapū, and iwi.

The project includes a series of wānanga and concludes with the recording of an audiobook of the Oriori and Pūrākau retold from the perceptive of our tamariki and rangatahi. This audiobook will be available to the public via a variety of platforms including YouTube and our Toi Matarua website for whānau to utilize as a tool for healing and good sleep.

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‘Kia Au, Ko Au’ Rangatahi Wānanga 3
to 27 Aug

‘Kia Au, Ko Au’ Rangatahi Wānanga 3

'Kia Au, Ko Au’ draws on ancient knowledge and practices of Oriori, Pūrākau and Maramataka to educate rangatahi and tamariki on indigenous ways of calming the mind, settling the spirit and relaxing into a deep sleep, combating anxiety and overstimulation while developing tools to be shared with whānau, hapū, and iwi.

The project includes a series of wānanga and concludes with the recording of an audiobook of the Oriori and Pūrākau retold from the perceptive of our tamariki and rangatahi. This audiobook will be available to the public via a variety of platforms including YouTube and our Toi Matarua website for whānau to utilize as a tool for healing and good sleep.

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Albuquerque Research Haerenga
to 18 Jul

Albuquerque Research Haerenga

  • Albuqurque United States of America (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The opportunity to develop Māori-led programmes for pēpi, tamariki and whānau wellbeing and intergenerational playspaces centred on tikanga and te ao Māori has been described as “breath-taking” and a privilege by those involved.

Over the next five years, Te Rōpū Rangahau Hauora a Eru Pōmare at the University of Otago, Wellington, will partner with three Māori community organisations, alongside international Indigenous collaborators in the United States, Canada and Australia, led by the Johns Hopkins Center for Indigenous Health.

Te Rōpū Rangahau Hauora a Eru Pōmare will work with Kōkiri Marae, in Lower Hutt, Toi Matarua Rangatahi Research, in Napier, and Te Hou Ora Whānau Services, in Dunedin, to promote traditional whānau models of wellbeing, nature-based recreational spaces, and cultural teachings which reflect the values of the communities involved.

This trip is an opportunity for all partners to meet and begin the journey together.

For more info on this collaboration please follow this link to Otago University’s media release: https://www.otago.ac.nz/news/news/otago0239004.html?fbclid=IwAR2FNS00N33sxRFLueYM68VUkR8zFow5IcYXN69ai-ApwynEqJY8AhvhKJQ

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‘Kia Au, Ko Au’ Rangatahi Sunrise Rave

‘Kia Au, Ko Au’ Rangatahi Sunrise Rave


Following the devastation of Cyclone Gabrielle to our rohe, ‘Kia Au, Ko Au’ is an opportunity for the rangatahi of our hapori to come together and celebrate our beautiful and powerful Taiao. The 'sunrise rave’ puts a fun and contemporary rangatahi-flavour on what it means to commemorate the Māori new year. Each star will be celebrated with workshops/activities that educate in an engaging way by rangatahi, for rangatahi.

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‘Kia Au, Ko Au’ Rangatahi Wānanga 2
to 2 Jul

‘Kia Au, Ko Au’ Rangatahi Wānanga 2

'Kia Au, Ko Au’ draws on ancient knowledge and practices of Oriori, Pūrākau and Maramataka to educate rangatahi and tamariki on indigenous ways of calming the mind, settling the spirit and relaxing into a deep sleep, combating anxiety and overstimulation while developing tools to be shared with whānau, hapū, and iwi.

The project includes a series of wānanga and concludes with the recording of an audiobook of the Oriori and Pūrākau retold from the perceptive of our tamariki and rangatahi. This audiobook will be available to the public via a variety of platforms including YouTube and our Toi Matarua website for whānau to utilize as a tool for healing and good sleep.

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‘Kia Au, Ko Au’ Rangatahi Wānanga 1
to 4 Jun

‘Kia Au, Ko Au’ Rangatahi Wānanga 1

'Kia Au, Ko Au’ draws on ancient knowledge and practices of Oriori, Pūrākau and Maramataka to educate rangatahi and tamariki on indigenous ways of calming the mind, settling the spirit and relaxing into a deep sleep, combating anxiety and overstimulation while developing tools to be shared with whānau, hapū, and iwi.

The project includes a series of wānanga and concludes with the recording of an audiobook of the Oriori and Pūrākau retold from the perceptive of our tamariki and rangatahi. This audiobook will be available to the public via a variety of platforms including YouTube and our Toi Matarua website for whānau to utilize as a tool for healing and good sleep.

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'Kia Au, Ko Au' Leadership Wānanga 3
to 14 May

'Kia Au, Ko Au' Leadership Wānanga 3

'Kia Au, Ko Au’ draws on ancient knowledge and practices of Oriori, Pūrākau and Maramataka to educate rangatahi and tamariki on indigenous ways of calming the mind, settling the spirit and relaxing into a deep sleep, combating anxiety and overstimulation while developing tools to be shared with whānau, hapū, and iwi.

The project includes a series of wānanga and concludes with the recording of an audiobook of the Oriori and Pūrākau retold from the perceptive of our tamariki and rangatahi. This audiobook will be available to the public via a variety of platforms including YouTube and our Toi Matarua website for whānau to utilize as a tool for healing and good sleep.

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'Kia Au, Ko Au' Leadership Wānanga 2
to 16 Apr

'Kia Au, Ko Au' Leadership Wānanga 2

'Kia Au, Ko Au’ draws on ancient knowledge and practices of Oriori, Pūrākau and Maramataka to educate rangatahi and tamariki on indigenous ways of calming the mind, settling the spirit and relaxing into a deep sleep, combating anxiety and overstimulation while developing tools to be shared with whānau, hapū, and iwi.

The project includes a series of wānanga and concludes with the recording of an audiobook of the Oriori and Pūrākau retold from the perceptive of our tamariki and rangatahi. This audiobook will be available to the public via a variety of platforms including YouTube and our Toi Matarua website for whānau to utilize as a tool for healing and good sleep.

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'Kia Au, Ko Au' Leadership Wānanga 1
to 19 Mar

'Kia Au, Ko Au' Leadership Wānanga 1

'Kia Au, Ko Au’ draws on ancient knowledge and practices of Oriori, Pūrākau and Maramataka to educate rangatahi and tamariki on indigenous ways of calming the mind, settling the spirit and relaxing into a deep sleep, combating anxiety and overstimulation while developing tools to be shared with whānau, hapū, and iwi.

The project includes a series of wānanga and concludes with the recording of an audiobook of the Oriori and Pūrākau retold from the perceptive of our tamariki and rangatahi. This audiobook will be available to the public via a variety of platforms including YouTube and our Toi Matarua website for whānau to utilize as a tool for healing and good sleep.

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