E kitea ai ngā taonga o te moana me mākū koe
If you seek the treasures of the ocean, be prepared to get wet
Our Approach to Rangatahi Research
Our ethical approach to engagement with Indigenous rangatahi builds off the tikanga Māori left to us by our tūpuna. Through a decade of facilitating successful wānanga on health and wellbeing, social, and justice issues impacting Indigenous rangatahi locally, nationally, and internationally, Toi Matarua leaders have developed and refined the implementation of this foundational tikanga. Toi Matarua also have policies and guidance in place with regard to meeting obligations under the Children’s Act 2014. The following section provides an overview.
Kia māori
We do what is and feels natural. Rangatahi are supported to generate, interpret and share their knowledge in ways that represent their unique identities and insights.
Research we conduct on marae follow appropriate protocols (pōwhiri, karakia and whanaungatanga to begin sessions and karakia to close sessions, and provision of kai during the kaupapa).
We provide, facilitate and manage safe spaces that support rangatahi to assert their tino rangatiratanga and develop solutions to issues that impact them. Rangatahi are provided with clear information concerning the research process and are encouraged to seek clarity when required. Rangatahi are supported through mentorship and other resources to explore and ‘go deeper’ into issues of importance to them. Toi Matarua facilitates safe platforms (shows, tours, digital and print resources) for rangatahi to share their knowledge.
We acknowledge the invaluable contributions that rangatahi make to the kaupapa through koha such as: provision of opportunities to participate in kaupapa of importance to rangatahi; mental, emotional and spiritual support; an extended whānau and sense of belonging; mentoring that supports personal and professional development (such as national/international travel experiences); inclusion of verbal and written acknowledgements in all developed resources; kai at every gathering; and, monetary compensation or vouchers (where appropriate).