Meet our Board
Dale Corbett, Chair Woman
Ngāti Kahungunu
Dale works for The New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) as an Advisor Māori. She assists NZQA with its commitment to Ākonga Māori success. She is responsible for the delivery of information and engagements through NCEA me te Whānau Workshops, education events, Equity in STEM (Science, technology, engineering and maths) information programs including working with Kura/Schools and Māori communities.
Hana Rye, Trustee
Ngāti Porou me Ngāti Kahungunu
Hana is an Intensive Response Social Worker at Oranga Tamariki. She is passionate about whānau wellbeing and development.
Dr Sally Rye, Trustee
Ngāti Porou me Ngāti Kahungunu
Sally is a Kairangahau Matua (Research Lead) at EIT. Her background is in research, social work, mental health & addictions, education & business. Sally also holds an Indigenous Doctorate specialising in puku-roro (gut-brain) axis and connection to overall wellbeing.
Te Rika Temara Benfell, Trustee
Ngāi Tūhoe, Ngāti Awa, Waikato-Tainui, Ngāti Mahuta, Ngāti Manawa and Ngāti Pikiao
Te Rika is an experienced governor and trustee, and is currently a Kaitohutohu Matua a Rohe for Te Puni Kokiri’s Waikato-Waiariki region. His passion is in the service of his people, the protection of whenua, and in the revitalisation of Te Ao Māori. Te Rika is a legal researcher by training, and has completed an LLB (Māori & Indigenous Research), and holds a Masters of Law (Maori / Indigenous Law).
Cody Hollis, Trustee
Ngāti Kahungunu, Ngāti Pahauwera, Ngāti Porou, Te Aitanga a Mahaki
Cody is an artist specialising in toi Māori, Taa moko, and digital graphics. Operating as Haruru arts, this name comes from his maunga, “Maungaharuru” which is to reflect the whakatauki “Whāia te iti kahurangi, ki te tuohu koe me maunga teitei" which translates as "Seek out your heart's desire, though if you have to bow, let it be to a lofty mountain”. This is to ensure all mahi Cody produces, or is involved in to be held to a high standard using his maunga as a measuring standard to keep himself accountable.
Thu Tran, Trustee
Te Whakatōhea, Ngāti Kahungunu ki te Wairoa
Thu-Lena is the Senior Whānau Connect Lead for the Child Cancer Foundation, which oversees and provides support to the volunteer committees across Aoteroa whose mission is to connect whānau through shared experiences.
She is a Registered Nurse and has a background in health, education, business and mahi in the not-for-profit sector. Through personal experiences, Thu-Lena has become passionate about palliative care and bereavement support.
Catherine Ellis, Trustee
Tainui, Cook Islands
Catherine is a Community & Justice Liaison Nurse for the Mental Health, Addiction & Intellectual Disability Service (MHAIDS). She is passionate about helping reduce the negative stigma around mental health.
Meet our Advisors & Mentors
Waka Tahuri Rye nee Gerard, Kaumātua
Ngati Kahungunu ki Mohaka, Ngāti Porou ki Ruatoria, Te Arawa Ngāti Whakaue.
Nanny Waka was born in Waipiro Bay in 1942 and made her way to Hawkes Bay in 1958. She married Stephen Rye and they settled in Maraenui Napier in the early 70s, the Rye homestead still stands in the heart of Maraenui where she raised her 5 tamariki, her many nieces and nephews and the wider community. The Rye whare was a local gathering place for youth before the establishment of Pukemokimoki Marae. Nanny Waka was an elite sportswoman and over the years she alongside Stephen coached many netball, rugby and softball teams for Maraenui, Colenso Pirates and Hawkes Bay. Nanny Waka has spent many years mentoring young wāhine and in more recent years has been a solid pou for Toi Matarua and the Rongo ā Puku and Moko Boys kaupapa.
Tiwana (Chop) Aranui
Ngāti Pahauwera, Ngāti Kahungunu, Ngāti Porou
"Pihi ake te whakaaro pai. Plant good thoughts, reap what you sow."
Matua Tiwana proudly refers to himself as a product of the kohanga reo kaupapa. He is ex-army, Pukemokimoki Marae chairman, has been a member of the Kohanga Reo national trust, on Napier City Council's Maori consultative committee, support role Pou Ahurea with the Hawke's Bay District Health Board, and has held roles at the Maraenui Rugby Club. He has been recognised for all his mahi with a Queen’s Service Medal.
Matua has spent many years supporting tamariki and rangatahi in his mahi and has more recently become a pou for Toi Matarua kaupapa and mentor for the many rangatahi that come through its development programs. In October he travelled with the TM’s Te Pūtiki Wharanui leadership development rōpū over to Oahu, Hawai’i to support their cultural exchange.
Dr Paula Toko King, Advisor
Te Aupōuri, Te Rarawa, Ngāpuhi, Ngāti Whātua, Waikato-Tainui, Ngāti Maniapoto
Paula is an associate of Toi Matarua. She is a vocationally registered public health medicine specialist (FNZCPHM) and Kaupapa Māori researcher. She also holds a senior research fellow role at Te Rōpū Rangahau Hauora a Eru Pōmare at the University of Otago in Te Whanganui-a-Tara.
Soraya Kamau, Advisor
Soraya is one of Toi Matarua’s Cultural Advisors. Her background is in education, youth work and mental health & addictions. She currently works for Te Paepae Arahi as a Kaimahi Rangatahi and Ngā Kete Aronui Cultural Lead.
Harlem-Cruz Ihaia, Advisor
Ngāti Kahungunu, Ngāti Hineuru, Kai Tahu, NgātI Porou, Ngāti Maniapoto
Harlem-Cruz holds a Bachelor of Arts Te Reo Māori, Te Tohu Whakapakari o Te Kōhanga Reo and is a qualified youth worker. She has a background in Kōhanga Reo and youth development and currently runs her own business ‘Purotu’ which is a development pakihi specifically targeted to hine and wahine Māori.
Te Aramoana Brady, Advisor
Ngāti Rangitihi, Waitaha, Te Arawa waka
Matitī, matatā Te tara i wera ai te whenua Te tara i wera ai te moana kia wāwāhi ake ki rua wāhanga Ka puhā ake ko Tarawera. Ko Te Aramoana Brady tōku ingoa.
He ihu oneone tēnei i kapua mai i Te Paepae Ārahi Trust, e ngākau nui ana ki te hāpai nei te hauora o ngā rangatahi. E kaha ai te aro a te rangatahi ki tāna e wawata ana, e kite ai i tōna anō hua, e mārama ai te titiro whakamua.
Kaydy-Moana Jones, Supervisor
Ngāti Kahungunu, Rongomaiwahie
BASS (social work), PostgradDip (Kaitiakitanga -Bicultural supervison) Dip (Arts – Māori)Kaydy-Moana was born and raised in Haumoana. Attends mahi at Āwhina Whānau Services alongside rangatahi using Tai Mai, Tai Atu Tae Ora as a model to guide interactions of mauri ora using elements within te taiao. Is a keen surfer and advocate for enjoying life in Te Matau a Maui.
Matt Pihema, Mentor
Ngāpuhi, Cook Island
Matt has a huge passion for people, and a willing heart to serve Rangatahi. He has worked in the youth sector for over 20 years. Supporting and mentoring Youth towards the aspirations of Tino Rangatiratanga (self-determination). His background in social services and applied practices has opened many areas of influence. It is his dream to inspire, motivate and encourage rangatahi in the pursuit of Mauri ora.
Wiari Ormsby-Matehe, Mentor & Advisor
Ngāti Porou
Wiari is an Advanced Scaffolder and owner of Kahu Scaffolding based in Hawkes Bay. Out of work, Wiari is active in suicide pre/post prevention and is a qualified youth worker. He is a business advisor and tāne ora mentor for Toi Matarua.
Rikki Solomon, Advisor
Ngāti Kahungunu, Ngāti Kahu ki Whangaroa
“Tuia ki te rangi, tuia ki te whenua, tuia ki te moana, e rongo te po, e rongo te Ao”. Rikki is a renowned Ngāti Kahungunu Maramataka expert. His main area of interest is Nga Kitenga o te Maramataka: Insights into the Maramamataka (Maori Moon Calendar) and its relation to suicide. He facilitates workshops and advises us on Maramataka and Astrology.
Nik Edwards, Mentor
Tainui, Pukekohe
Nik owns multiple properties in Auckland, Tauranga and Napier where he has picked up skills in landscaping, fencing, concreting and roofing. He is passing these skills for life onto the MokoBoys a kaupapa close to his heart. Giving young people purpose and direction provides them the confidence and focus to continually strive for great things
Te Aho Jordan, Mentor
Ngāti Porou (Te Whānau a Tūwhakairiora, Te Aitanga a Mate.) Samoa
Te Aho is a visual storyteller, using the power of photography to revitalise and reclaim narratives for the communities that nurtured them. They are proud to represent and contribute to Māori, Pasifika, LGBTQIA+, and MVPFAFF+ groups in their mahi. Their aspiration is that indigenous rangatahi can step into their own truth and through the arts, can share their story confidently with the world.
Tira (Shafan) Lee-Kirk, Mentor
He uri tēnei o te maunga tauheke, te maunga rongo, Taranaki titohea. Here atu ki Te au o Waikato, ko Weriweri te whare e tū mai rā. Peka atu ki Te Tairāwhiti, ki Te Araroa, tau ana. Ko Tira Te Ihi-o-te-rā Lee-Kirk tēnei e mihi ana.
He tauira tēnei nō te puna kōhanga reo, i hou mai i ngā Kura Kaupapa me ngā Kura Matatini o te motu nei.
Tira has worked across public, community and Iwi sectors primarily in research roles, Tira is currently the host of the Parakuihi show on Irirangi Kahungunu and covers the current events of Te Matau a Maui. Ko te reo te take - Kei te ora tonu tō tāua reo tuku iho i roto i ngā tētē kura o te āpōpō!
Lydia Thomsen, Nutritionist and Mentor
Tangata Tiriti
Lydia is a qualified Nutritionist with expertise in Public Health and health promotion. Her passion for soil health and nutrient-dense food led her to establish Pickled, a Bokashi business focused on sustainable food systems and soil regeneration. Lydia mentors our rangatahi, teaching soil health, sustainable living, and growing kai, empowering them to support our kaumātua and communities.
Hamish Thomsen, Accountant and Mentor
Tangata Tiriti
Hamish is the Director of Thomsen’s Chartered Accountants. He is Toi Matarua’s dedicated accountant and in his spare time he also mentors our rangatahi, sharing his expertise in farm work and fencing. He also supports their fundraising efforts by donating his farm’s pinecones to be sold.
Taka Burton, Community Advisor
Ngāti Porou
Taka is the Founder and Head Coach of Shamrock Boxing Maraenui Napier. After losing his son to suicide in 2022 he became passionate about helping the youth in our community to work through the barriers they face. He uses boxing as a vehicle to teach rangatahi about their mental and physical health while incorporating the values of respect, resilience, and the importance of positive relationships in and out of the gym.
Ruby Rose Poi Poi, Marketing Advisor
Ngāti Kahungunu ki te Wairoa & Ngāti Porou
Young Māori Entrepreneur who is currently running her own business for products and services while also being a full-time mummy. Ruby our marketing advisor.
Meet our Volunteers
Tipene Rye-Dunn
Ngāti Kahungunu & Tūhoe
Tipene was brought up in the kaupapa and has always been involved whether it was performing with 2FaceDrama or supporting at conferences and wānanga. Now he gives back to the kaupapa through voluntary work and supervising the MokoBoys.
Te Waimana (Jahson) Greening
Rongomaiwahine, Ngāi Tūhoe
Jahson was mentored and nurtured into a role at Toi Matarua. This has helped him to build the skills and confidence necessary to move onto mahi in construction. He now supports the kaupapa through volunteering and supervising the MokoBoys.
Meet our MokoBoys Kaimahi
Julia, Rangatahi Employee
Julia, 16yrs, attends Napier Girls High School. She is the Māku Lead and oversees our rongoā making. Her interests are rongoā, fashion, beauty, photography and mahi toi.
Materita, Rangatahi Employee
Ngāti Kahungunu
Materita, 17yrs, attends William Colenso College. She is a MokoBoys Team Lead. Her interests are cooking, kapahaka and learning more about her Māoritanga.
Hikurangi, Rangatahi Employee
Rongomaiwahine, Tūhoe, Ngāti Kahungunu, Ngāti Porou
Hikurangi, 15yrs, attends Te Aratika Academy. His interests are cooking and he aspires to become a chef.
Gracyn, Rangatahi Employee
Ngāti Kahungunu
Gracyn, 15yrs, is the captain at Shamrock Boxing. His interests are boxing and helping out the kaumātua.
Peter, Rangatahi Employee
Ngāti Kahungunu
Peter, 17yrs, attends Te Aratika Academy. He is a MokoBoys Team Lead. His interests are basketball and te ao Māori.
Aaliyah, Rangatahi Employee
Ngāruahine & Ngāti Kahungunu
Aaliyah, 13yrs, attends Tamatea High School. Her interests are netball and kapa haka.
Precious, Rangatahi Employee
Precious, 16yrs, attends Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Ngāti Kahungunu o Te Wairoa. Her interests are kapahaka.
Te Whetu, Rangatahi Employee
Te Whetu, 17 yrs, is a rap artist from Wellington. He wants to be a better rangatahi for the people in need because there is no one that is beyond the reach of change.
Te Mana Wairua (Neon), Rangatahi Intern
Rongomaiwahine, Tūhoe, Ngāti Kahungunu, Ngāti Porou
Neon, 13 yrs, attends Mangateretere School. He is interning, the next generation learning the ropes of MokoBoys. He enjoys sports and gaming.
Te Kaea (Jarli), Rangatahi Intern
Rongomaiwahine, Tūhoe, Ngāti Kahungunu, Ngāti Porou
Jarli, 11 yrs, attends Marewa School. He is interning, the next generation learning the ropes of MokoBoys. He enjoys spending time with whānau and gaming.
Meet our Pakaru Pānui team
Amaiah, Rangatahi Employee
Ngāti Raukawa
Amaiah, 15yrs, goes to Napier Girls High School. Her interests are Photography, Fashion, Sports such as Netball, Volleyball, Dance and Hockey
Vellyn, Rangatahi Employee
Ngāti Kahungunu
Vellyn, 13yrs, attends Napier Boys High School. He is a boxer at Shamrock Boxing and training to become one of our social media analysts and a familiar face in front of the camera.
Honey, Rangatahi Employee
Ngāti Porou
Honey, 17yrs , does admin for Rongo ā Puku. Her interests are netball, boxing, marae mahi, horse riding, music and socialising.
Meet our Kaimahi
Charlizza Matehe, Founder & Director
Ngāti Kahungunu
Charlizza is a visionary leader passionate about Indigenous Advancement. She started this kaupapa at the age of 17, which now oversees a web of positive initiatives across Aotearoa designed for the betterment of rangatahi Māori and their whānau. She is currently in the final stages of her doctoral thesis on rangatahi Māori suicide.
Sarah Pihema, Rangatahi Research Lead
Ngāpuhi, Ngāti Kahu ki Whangaroa
Sarah is a qualified youth worker. She joined this kaupapa as a participant when she was in high school and now she helps in running our leadership programs and rangatahi wānanga. She is currently doing her Masters in indigenous studies through Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi.