Cyclone Relief
Hawkes Bay 2023
Our rangatahi were invited to the RWC 2023 All Blacks Squad Announcement in recognition of their mahi in cyclone relief.
- RCT Team
Our rangatahi created a volunteer group that went down regularly to Pukemokimoki Marae to assist with all the resources that were coming in from all over the country, sorting them out, packing them and distributing them. They also got in touch with our local kaumātua and assisted where they could with the clean up.
Kawakawa Balms
Our tamariki and rangatahi created a workshop in order to produce and sell our specialty Kawakawa Balm to raise urgent cash for our whānau who had been impacted by Cyclone Gabrielle.
The effects of the Cyclone continue to impact the health and well-being of our whānau, hapū and iwi. Our community’s support of our specialty Kawakawa Balm, has also enabled Toi Matarua to create youth employment for 8 rangatahi of the Hawkes Bay. Every balm bought is a koha to our young people and an investment in our future.
The balms are sold for $15.99 each, but we welcome additional cash koha if you are in the position to give more.
Omahu Primary
Our rangatahi leaders have been running an 8-week in school program with Omahu Primary who were sadly displaced as a result of Cyclone Gabrielle. The pūrākau based program incorporates indigenous tools that support positive overall well-being whilst having lots of fun! Some of the activities include meditation, rongoā Māori, poi making and Kī-o-Rahi.